Long Beach Car Accident Lawyer
We've Recovered Millions for Our Clients
The Long Beach car accident attorneys at McGee, Lerer & Associates, one of Southern California's top personal injury law firms, specialize in auto accidents resulting in serious injury or wrongful death.
We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay us nothing up front; we are paid at the end of the case, out of the money that we collect for you. We collect no fee unless we win.
This allows you to level the playing field by getting top-quality lawyers for no up-front cost. Attorneys Daniel McGee and Catherine Lerer are available 24/7 for a free consultation.
When To Hire a Car Accident Lawyer
As a general guideline, it’s best to contact a lawyer after a car accident as soon as possible. All injury victims have a time limit on when they are no longer eligible to file a claim. This time limit is called the statute of limitations. This law is implemented on a state by state so the statute of limitations in one state isn’t necessary the same as another.
According to the California Code of Civil Procedure section 335.1 the state of California has a two-year timeline. This means you have two years from the date your accident occurred to file your claim before you lose your right to file and pursue compensation. It’s important to note that there are some exceptions to this law where the filing time may change, including but not limited to:
- If the injury victim is a minor at the time the accident happened
- The negligent party left the state before a claim could be filed
The statute of limitations is a crucial part of personal injury law. It’s best to speak to an attorney about the specifics of your case as soon as you can to learn about your rights and options. Call McGee, Lerer & Associates today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced member of our team.
Contact McGee, Lerer & Associates today for a free initial consultation regarding your car accident claim. We understand how devastating car accidents can be, and are here to demand justice of the negligent party responsible for your suffering.
Your Right to Compensation After an Auto Accident
After an accident, you are entitled to compensation for all losses caused by the accident.
You may be eligible to recover compensation for:
- Past and future medical bills
- Lost wages
- Impaired future earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
- Incidentals expenses that you would not have incurred but for the accident (home health aide, driver, housekeeper, childcare, etc.)
- Property damage
- Diminution in value of your vehicle
- Rental car or loss of use of your vehicle
Choosing the Best Car Accident Attorney for Your Case
If you were in an auto accident and are searching for a law firm to represent you, you will have no shortage of choices. However, we suggest that you do your homework first because your choice could affect the value of your claim.
Insurance companies take into consideration a law firm’s reputation when making a settlement offer. They know the top firms, and they know which firms will not bow down to a lowball settlement offer.
So How Do You Do Your Homework?
Spend time on the attorney’s website. Does it answer your questions? Do they seem the right fit for you and your case? Check out the firm’s online reviews (Yelp, Avvo) and client testimonials. When you call the firm, do you actually speak to the attorney or only support staff? Does an answering service take your call, then relay it to a lawyer who is rarely at the office?
Does the attorney take time in answering all of your questions and seem genuinely concerned about helping you? Or does the firm representative rush through the call and seem more interested in whether you are going to make money for the firm? These are all important factors to consider when choosing a car accident lawyer in Long Beach. Hear from one of our former clients, a car accident victim, about her experience with McGee, Lerer & Associates.
Help Us Help You After a Car Accident
In our initial meeting or telephone conversation, we will be asking you many questions in order to determine if yours is a case that we can take on. If you and our firm decide to move forward, we would like to jump in and get started immediately. The more information you have at the ready, the more quickly we can move forward.
Importance of Immediate Medical Treatment After a Crash
Over the years, Long Beach car accident attorneys Daniel McGee and Catherine Lerer have represented thousands of auto accident victims who have suffered serious injuries. We know that the sooner you get medical treatment after an accident, the better for your recovery, and the better for your legal case.
Any delay in seeking treatment will be used against you by the insurance company who will argue that you were not seriously injured, or that you would have been transported from the scene by ambulance to the hospital, or that you would have, at least, seen a doctor within a day or two of the accident.
Any inconsistency in getting medical treatment (lengthy gaps between visits or no-shows for visits) will also be used against you by the insurance company.
It's Important to Seek Treatment for Any Type of Injury, Including:
- Head and face injuries - bruises, lacerations, fractures and broken bones, TMJ, and other dental injuries
- Foot, knee, and leg injuries - laceration, fracture, sprain, dislocation, hip injury
- Knee injuries – ACL tear, PCL tear, meniscus tear, MCL tear
- Brain injuries – loss of consciousness, concussion, closed head injury, post-concussion syndrome, and traumatic brain injury
- Neck injuries - strain, whiplash, fractures, cervical radiculopathy and disc injury
- Shoulder, arm, and wrist injuries - strain, sprain, fracture, dislocation, rotator cuff tear, carpal tunnel syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome
- Back injuries - sprain, strain, fracture, disc injury, spinal cord injury, and annual tear
- Psychological injuries – depression, fear of driving, nightmares, flashbacks, PTSD
We Can Help You Get Medical Treatment
If you hire our firm, one of the things we can facilitate is getting you in to see a doctor right away. If you do not have health insurance or do not have the money to pay for medical treatment, the lawyers at McGee, Lerer & Associates can refer you to a medical provider near you who will treat you on a lien basis.
A "lien" means the doctor agrees to wait to be paid until your case is resolved. Whether you need an orthopedic or neurological consultation, chiropractic care, physical therapy, psychotherapy, or surgery, we can arrange for top quality treatment on a lien.
Over the years, we have built relationships with some of the best medical providers in Long Beach, Lakewood, Bellflower, and surrounding communities. We can often get you in to see a medical provider within a day or two of hiring our firm. If you are already receiving treatment from a medical provider and are happy with that treatment - great. There is no need to change doctors.
Common Causes of Car Accidents in Long Beach
Some of the most common causes of car crashes include:
- Following too closely
- Speeding
- Failure to yield the right of way
- Running red lights
- Sudden lane changes without looking
- Looking left while turning right
- Inattentiveness, texting, using a cell phone
- Drunk driving
- Illegal street racing
- Unlicensed drivers
Long Beach's Most Dangerous Intersections
Long Beach's most dangerous intersections include:
- Seventh and MLK
- Long Beach Blvd. and Wardlow Rd.
- South St. and Paramount Blvd.
- Pacific Coast Highway and Cherry Ave.
- Broadway and Cherry
Don't Wait – Call Us 24/7 for a Free Consultation
If you have been injured in a car accident or an uninsured motorist accident, you should consult the best Long Beach car accident lawyer as soon as possible to protect your right to full compensation. Do not talk to the other driver's insurance company. They will try to get to you before you call an attorney.
They want your recorded statement and a signed medical authorization. Do not provide either – both could hurt the value of your claim. Both are for the sole benefit of the insurance adjuster. Providing a signed medical authorization and a recorded statement in no way benefits you.
When you need a car accident lawyer in Long Beach, contact McGee, Lerer & Associates for personalized service and aggressive representation.
Our car accident lawyers represent injury victims from Long Beach and neighboring communities, including Lakewood, Bellflower, Compton, Los Alamitos, Paramount, Cerritos, Norwalk, Downey, Lynwood, Torrance, Seal Beach, Rossmoor, Belmont Heights, Belmont Shore, and Naples.
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Why Choose McGee, Lerer & Associates?
What Makes Us Different
We have 4 offices in Southern California - Los Angeles, Pasadena, Santa Monica & Long Beach
We can be available nights and weekends and come to you at the hospital or at home.
If we are unsuccessful in our efforts to recover your compensation, you owe nothing. Learn more here.
We take the time to understand all the unique factors of your case to achieve the best results.