A pedestrian was fatally struck by a car in Huntington Beach on Sunday.
The accident happened at about 12:08 a.m. The pedestrian, a 56-year-old woman, was crossing Yorktown Ave., west of Worchester Ln. She was hit by a 35-year-old man who was driving a Chevrolet Silverado.
The pedestrian, whose identity has not been released, was pronounced dead at the scene.
The driver was questioned at the scene of the accident. He was not cited or arrested. Officers are still investigating the cause of the accident.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident or pedestrian accident, you should speak with a lawyer about your right to compensation.
McGee, Lerer & Associates is a Long Beach personal injury law firm which specializes in serious injury and wrongful death claims. Daniel McGee and Catherine Lerer are a husband and wife team of accident attorneys with over 38 years of combined experience. The attorneys are available 24/7 for a free consultation.