Representing Long Beach Pit Bull Attack Victims
Most Dog Bites are caused by Pit Bulls
Pit bulls are the deadliest and most vicious of all dog breeds. Pit bulls are a class of dogs that includes the following close breeds and their mixes: American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier and American bulldog. Due to selective breeding for the purposes of dogfighting, pit bulls can be highly aggressive towards other dogs and people. With their powerful jaws, thick skull and muscular legs, the pit bull can maim its victim for life.
Though pit bulls make up only 2% of the dog population, they are responsible for almost one-third of all dog bite fatalities. Because of the deaths and serious injuries they inflict, many U.S. cities have banned or restricted ownership of the breed. Owners have even been criminally prosecuted for pit bull mauling deaths. In an attempt to avoid the negative assumptions about pit bulls, or bans on their ownership, pit bull owners have been known to attempt to pass their dog off as belonging to another breed. They may refer to their pit bull as a mixed breed, mutt or pound dog.
Why would someone want to own a pit bull? Some owners are drawn to the dogs as status symbols of power and aggression. They hope the dog's reputation for aggressiveness and unpredictability will cast a similar intimidating persona on the dog owner.
Pit Bull's "Hold and Shake" Bite Style
A pit bull's bite is designed to inflict the maximum damage possible on its victim. Through selective breeding, pit bulls have developed enormous jaw strength and a "hold and shake" bite style. The pit bull's jaws lock onto its victim and violently shake the victim, refusing to let go. Even Good Samaritans who attempt to free the victim by employing hoses, hammers, bats, and pipes on the pit bull are often unsuccessful.
The pit bull's "hold and shake" bite style can cause severe bone and muscle damage. The injuries inflicted are often permanent and disfiguring. Injuries suffered by the victims of pit bull attacks are comparable to those suffered by shark attack victims.
Attorneys with Experience Representing Pit Bull Attack Victims
Long Beach attorneys Daniel McGee and Catherine Lerer have exclusively represented personal injury victims for over 18 years each. We have developed a level of expertise representing dog bite victims, and specifically, victims of pit bull attacks. Our law firm has the experience, financial resources, and trial experience that enable us to command maximum value for your case.
Contact a Long Beach dog bite lawyer from our firm today for a free consultation if you have been the victim of a pit bull attack.

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We have 4 offices in Southern California - Los Angeles, Pasadena, Santa Monica & Long Beach
We can be available nights and weekends and come to you at the hospital or at home.
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We take the time to understand all the unique factors of your case to achieve the best results.